Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ram Fan

I took Jack to the university basketball game this weekend. He loved it! As soon as we walked in he got excited. He loved the music they played during timeouts, the action of the basketball players, and the cheers from the cheerleaders. He wasn't sure what to think about the school mascot the first time he came around, but the second time the ram came around he shook his hand.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Where's Jack?

I walked into Jack's room the other day and found him hiding in his toy box. We normally keep the lid on it but he managed to get the lid off and crawl inside. He had a blast just sitting in there and playing with all the toys around him.

First Art Work

This is Jack's first attempt at art. He did this in school, and you can tell he had lots of help. But those are definently his hand prints.

Halloween Pics

We took Jack to the mall where Shaun works to trick or treat. He had been sick so we decided it was best to keep him indoors. He still was feeling real great so we made a couple of candy stops then we headed home.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Noodles, Noodles, Everywhere!

I heated myself up an italian TV dinner, Jack decided it was his. He ended up eating almost the entire thing. He loved it.

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Jack found yet another way to play peek-a-boo. He's just so darn cute.

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Kitty Kat

Shaun got this straw for Jack at taco bell. It is so cute! When he drinks out of the straw it looks like he is wearing a kitty cat mask.

Messy Eater---Understatement

Jack got to eat pasta with red sause for the first time this week. He had a great time and got sauce all over him and everything else.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mimi and the Park

When my mom came up to visit we took Jack to a park that is close to the house. It's a nice little park and it's so close we can walk there. Jack was running around every where. He's getting really hard to keep up with.

The Morning Grind

One morning I took some pictures of Jack getting ready for school. Not very glamorous, as you can tell.